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Sionbrands, a collaborative venture between Sion Medical and Degasa, operates as the group's headquarters in the United States.
Sionbrands is a prominent producer of disposable skin cleansing and dermatological treatment products, advanced wound care solutions, burn remedies, and surgical items for healthcare professionals.
With over four decades' experience in manufacturing medical devices and over-the-counter drugs.
Sionbrands' overarching goal is to develop innovative products that enhance healthcare quality through infection control, wound management, and epidemiological practices in healthcare settings.
In early 2024, Sionbrands announced the acquisition of Richmond Dental & Medical, Intrinsics Beauty & Spa Brands,
and Carolina Cotton. This strategic acquisition underscores the company's commitment to expanding its product range and bolstering its global presence.
Sionbrands currently operates multiple production facilities in Mexico, Israel, the Netherlands, and China.
This integration will optimize production capabilities, streamline distribution channels, and ensure a seamless supply chain for customers worldwide.
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